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Direct IAS Coaching / Direct Civil services coaching is for the students who had already completed their graduation or post-graduation and are eligible to give their first attempt of civil services examination(CSE) conducted by UPSC. We have two Programmes under this, one is for Regular batch and the other is for Repeaters Intensive Batch (RIB).


Regular batch consist of new entries and it usually starts in the month of June every year. The classes are scheduled from morning till evening including optional classes.


1. It also includes sessions on “How to read THE HINDU newspaper” and other newspapers and analysis of “Yojana and Kurukshetra “magazines

2. Day to day current affairs topics and editorial discussions which will be useful both for prelims and mains.

3. Mains Answer writing practice and Essay Writing practice and Ethics case studies.

4. Daily Tests and Weekend test for both Prelims and Mains.​


We have a meticulously designed schedule for the sake of working professional’s in our weekend batches who are aspiring to crack civil services examination (CSE).

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